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Did you know that people with autism and learning disabilities help to make our products? CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
Did you know that people with autism and learning disabilities help to make our products? CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
Sign up to our e-newsletter

Sign up to our e-newsletter

Why not sign up to our e-newsletter and keep up to date on what we are up to.  There is so much on the horizon for us.  After coming out of a really difficult phaze of our business and needing to move and being faced with flooding, fire and a road accident in May, we have been fire-fighting. 

Still here to tell the tale... Lots of great things coming our way and finally our NEW 'Red Robin' Arts and Crafts Studio will be completed next week, thanks you some help from outside sponsors.  Who have donated tables, a carpet and our leaners and I painted the room with some second hand paint to just make good.  The heating has been relocated to warm the room up and fingers cross the terrible roof leaks will be sorted.  

So you see in such a short time, so much to report and we do this via our e-newsletter, more so when you sign up to the newsletter you can keep up to date on wildlife, nature, biodiversity and re-wilding news.  Plus our blogging and podcasting is all about to begin... watch this space, but join us to find out more...

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