Wildlife and Birdcare - Helping Garden Wildlife and People
Wildlife and Birdcare is a British Manufacturing Company of wooden bird and insect houses and seed balls, who is helping garden wildlife and people. Grown out of lockdown this small family business has exploded with orders to create new, exciting and innovative wildlife houses.
Why do we consider this Important?
Over the years Climate change, global warming and extreme weather conditions are having a serious effect and impact on our wildlife, birds and insect species. We are experiencing a reduction in bee numbers these are on the endangered list and we are having to really take urgent steps to help grow all our bee numbers, especially the bumble bees. It's a fact that the declining number of bees will have a massive impact on our food production and we cannot live without bees.
We need bees to continue the successful pollination of plants and to provide us with a balance eco-system. We are our own worst enemy when it comes to nature as we are destroying our own hedgerows, rough landscapes and forest areas, all of which provide shelter, a food chain and nesting areas for our wild birds, Squirrels, Birds of Prey and many other species of insects. But in recent years so many of these areas have disappeared, with land development, affordable housing popping up and the decline of forests and other natural wildlife sites.
Farming methods
It's a fact that some farming methods have had an adverse affect on our insects all of which provided a rich source of food for birds and other animals. The increased use of pesticides means there are far fewer insects than ever before.
How you can help?
How you can help wildlife, birds and nature and in return they will help you. It was proven during the breakout of the covid-19 virus when the world was bought to a grinding halt and we were locked inside, prevented from seeing our loved ones, family and friends. Going to work was banned, shopping was difficult and all leisure facilities were closed, flights and travel cancelled and we felt like prisoners in our own home frightened and hiding away from catching the virus. The only godsend that 2020 provided was an extremely brilliant Spring and Summer and so we were all able to go out into our gardens and celebrating our "Great Outdoor' spaces became more and more important for our own health, wellbeing and mental health.
For many, we watched and fed the birds, we spent more time in our gardens, the sale of bird food, bird feeders and wildlife boxes went through the roof, as wildlife watching and being outside become an everyday escape for us all. For that time we helped nature and nature well she helped us in return.
Don't STOP! Continue the good work you started...
There is still so much we can continue to do, even though life has gone back to almost normal now, we have returned to our offices, retail has gone back to normal and the leisure industry, travel and visiting friends and family have all returned. However, it's still vital that we continue to nurture nature and find ways of creating wildlife friendly gardens and spaces.
Our garden wildlife still needs our help. So, whatever sized outside space you have, consider planting wildflowers which attract the bees, butterflies and other insect species. Not only will you be helping them, but again you will be able to sit back and watch your garden explode into a meadow of beautiful wild flowers. Our seed balls make this easy for you, check out our SEED BALL BLOG.
Our gardens are a great space for birds, squirrels, hedgehogs and other wildlife species where they can live, rent some space from us and find food. Here at Wildlife and Bird care, we provide our own range of wildlife, bird and food that attracts insects for the food chain cycle.
Choose yourself some wildlife boxes so you can continue to attract wildlife and bird to your garden. You need to make sure the hedgehogs are safe during the daytime when they sleep and for when they nest, this is easy with a specially designed compliant hedgehog nesting box. We make them with the approval of the British Hedgehog Preservation Trust, and so we know that the boxes we make are safe, waterproof and that the tunnel is long enough to keep out predators such as cats, dogs and foxes, who would if they could get to the little hoglets. Our nesting boxes have a 30cm tunnel, which is what the BHPT suggest. Our boxes are made from Larch, with felt roofs, a felt floor and has feet to stop foot rot and the damp entering the nest. If you fill the nest with some straw and dry leaves the hedgehog will do the rest. These boxes need to be quiet hidden under a hedge and away from noise and stress so the hedgehogs feel safe.
The wild birds need specific bird feeders, which are off the floor and away from cats and other predators, or you can buy a fence or shed feeder which is attached off the floor and out of harms way. Rather than deterring squirrels from your bird feeders, provide them with their own feeding area, our squirrel feeders keep them dry during the wet months, and their picnic style eating tables are fun to attach to your fences and watch the squirrels play and feed.
Our insect and solitary bee hotels, are build specifically to attract all sorts of insect species, we provide a natural components in our houses, such as pine cones, reed tubes, bamboo sticks and drilled logs all of which provide a safe resting and nesting place for our insect species.
We tailor make our nesting boxes, bird feeding tables, wildlife feeders and insect hotels. We work with our conservation partners including "Buglife" to make sure that what we design and build are compliant and correct for the insects they need to attract.
If you take the time to create and cultivate a bed of wildflowers and herbs, you will not be disappointed at the wildlife, birds and insects that all stop and visit. Its an absolute pleasure to just sit with a nice cup of tea, and watch the birds feeding, the squirrels playing and if we are lucky enough as dusk falls maybe a little hedgehog will appear in your garden. Remember though that the only way a hedgehog can get into your garden is if you cut a hole in your fences so they can move from place to place, or you won't have them visiting at all. Remember to only feed hedgehogs cat or dog food and a few biscuits and water. You can buy from us specific hedgehog food.
Our Ethos at Wildlife and Birdcare
Our whole ethos at Wildlife and Birdcare is to provide your garden friends with safe and affordable houses for all our garden friends. Don't forget to encourage the kids to get involved as not only is it educational for them, they love nature and kids like to learn about the our beautiful wildlife, birds and insects. Kids love 'Bugs" and so our BUG HOUSES and HOTELS are perfect for the little ones. They make a great gardening gift. Plus don't forget that everything we make is done so by our team of skilled joiners and our WOW placement Students who are all aiming to get a job with us when their placement ends. We are helping people with learning disabilities to step onto their first rung of their working ladder.